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Metalism Records/ Sunrise Rroductions   2007


Track list

1 Born To Find

2 Gone With The Time

3 Illusion Of Life

4 Lie & Truth

5 Hear Me

6 Stay With Me

7 Look To Eternity

8 Inside Of The Rising Sun

9 Can You Feel The Pain

10 Travel

11 Illusion Of Life (ukrainian vesion - BONUS)



Konstantin Naumenko - Vocals/Backing vocals

Vitaliy Petrichenko - Guitar

Vladimir Ovcharov - Guitar Alexander Nazerenko - Bass Eduard Fefer - Keyboards

Sergey Moroz - Drums


Additional information

Produced by SUNRISE All music by K. Naumenko except #2 by V. Ovcharov/K. Naumenko

All lyrics by K. Naumenko Arrangements by SUNRISE Bass on #3,8 by Kirill Shapovalenko

Bass on #1,6 by Evgeniy Scotsenko

Recorded, engineered, mixed and mastered by Slava 'aka DHS' Malinin at Pushkin Recods Studio, Kyiv, Ukraine

Cover and inlay artwork by Gennadij Didenko

Layout and booklet design by Olga Skurativska

Logo by Olga Skurativska

Photos by Yulia Ledeneva and Roman Sherbatyuk Band photo by Roman Sherbatyuk

Lyrics :



Listen like rain falling down –

Tears of the sky

He turns his dreams to visions.

Closing his eyes once again,

Drifting into the new world


Walking by empty streets –

World of night lights

He turns his thoughts to pictures.

What is the meaning of this

Jungle of iron and stone?


Faster time has run,

Hottest burning sun

Every day he search for wisdom,

Every day he runs to freedom,

Guided by his heart.

One day he would find his wisdom

And he’d run away to freedom

Empty fears must go.


It seems like his life’s just begun,

Heart is full of light

With courage he looks to the future.

Taking his light from inside,

Giving a new day to the world




Why is all around

Must turn into ash with the time?

Life is running fast,

There is no one, who can stop


I don’t want to see

Like I am slowly dying

I’ll open force within

And I will fight


All this material world

Tells me to be like they are

I must find some exit before

My powers will be gone


Influence of time is very strong,

But it’s too weak for our souls.

Living and dying in the circles of life

We’re just cannot oppose


I feel like today I’m gone with the time

And the years are behind

I cling, I don’t want to lose my life

Trying to realize…


I feel like today I’m gone with the time

And the years are behind

I cling, I don’t want to lose my life

Trying to realize

I will fight



Morning awakes me up

Then shows me some new film

One more the story of

“Illusion of this life”


Invites me again to fall

Into this pain, that I always feel

“Submit to us,

Don’t hear your mind”


It’s illusion of life –

Everything, that’s around

I don’t want to see this lie,

That is tearing my heart


This illusion of life

Brings madness to us

I want release my mind

From the cage of the past


To surrender to life, to surrender to pain

And fall again and again

Or to touch this mysterious doors

And try to run away


I feel, I know we can find

Exit from this place,

Where hands of time

Wouldn’t touch our minds


It’s illusion of life –

Everything, that’s around

I don’t want to see this lie,

That is tearing my heart


This illusion of life

Brings madness to us

I want release my mind

From the cage of the past

Whatever is happening

All around is a game,

But why you cannot free yourself?

Only tears on your face


Somewhere I can find that world

There’s the place, where I belong

I’ll break this pain

And  throw away my grief




The gates of life was opened to me,

I step into the world made of mist

They say ‘You must know your place, you

Must live your life like it's others do!’

I ask myself ‘Why I must believe?’


Within of me I feeling my soul

And people's home it's whole Universe!

I see around only weakness

And storming ocean of helplessness

Is this the place, where we need to go?


Where is lie or truth?

So many ways before me now,

One of them is for me

Where is lie or truth?

And leading by the calling heart

My hope I will keep!


I'll give back all I have in this life,

Because everything is dissolving in time.

Here envy and satiation

Directing humans perception

But at the end they're falling to cry

Where is lie or truth?

So many ways before me now,

One of them is for me

Where is lie or truth?

And leading by the calling heart

My hope I will keep!


There is only step I'll made to

The forms beyond this side -

I sleep again and watching the sky.

Tonight I'll find my way to

The secrets of real life

And wonder flow will rush through my mind




Before, like you went away from here

How I can to believe,

That we’re not together?

So cold, the world is empty place for me

The snow is falling around of me

It will be forever…


But every night I still cry

I feel your flame inside

Please never fade away!


Now you are not by my side

But your shape before my eyes

And the memories remain

So still I say

Hear me my friend!

Now or never be my guide

Hear me my friend!

Why I cannot live my own life?

I need you to stay

With me and everything is got to be all right

Hear me my friend!

Hear me my friend!

Hear me my friend!


Your voice doesn’t sing this song of dreams,

There’s no smile of your lips,

My fingers can’t touch your face

I hold silver thread of my belief

All I want now is to see

Brightness of the new day


Filling my life this realize –

I couldn’t keep my pride

And let you go away

Now you are not by my side

But your shape before my eyes

And the memories remain

So still I say




Somewhere in the wasteland

I am walking to the distant places

Where are hiding all my thoughts

About you


Many times I’m spending

Trying to see and understand

These all the reasons, why I’m staying here

Without you


We are not together

And I don’t know why it’s happened

Sometimes life is playing jokes with us

What can we do?


Now I’m understanding –

There’s no reason to pretend

Because I see that all my life

I’ll search for you

Now it is time to awake our heats,

To find our souls even it’s hard

Now it is time, when our dreams come true

I’ll find this path with you


Just stay with me

I’ll follow you

Just let me see


I will be free

Because of you

You’ve changing me


Time like waters running out

And don’t you try to scream and shout

Today you’re crawling and you’re still

To fall from your grace


You need to stop your fall

Don’t try to hide the time to go

Away from shadow of each day

And all around is


Nothing, only things in which

You always will believe

It is law for every man

Why can’t it be real?


Longing for a better life

People are loosing all their minds

Inside, there’s only the deepest crime –

They forget about all

The world around is getting older

You feel that you can loose control

It’s time to understand your life

And all around is

Nothing, only things in which

You always will believe

It is law for every man

Why can’t it be real?


Burning in our minds

Call of the Rising Sun

All the powers we can take

Inside of us

We can only trust

To our thirst for love

We can see our fun

Inside of this Rising Sun


Through the chains of life

And through the walls of empty days

Together with Rising Sun

We’ll rise upon our fates


Will come true the things in which

We always will believe

It is law for every man

Why can’t it be real?




When night is coming here

Then I following this voice,

Which is calling me somewhere to days of my life

I’ve seen this before


No one can see me here

Walking by the ocean’s shore.

I hear the waves, they are prompting me how

To feel some new hope


I ask the ocean

To set me free


Can you feel the pain,

When mist is falling,

To feel the pain,

When you are alone?


Can you feel the pain,

When years are running?

Feel the pain.

Now you cannot stop

To feel the pain.


Away from the city’s lights,

Away from the senseless game,

Striving my soul to embrace the night.

I hear you again


Gazing into dark waters,

What I’m searching for?

I cannot keep all this sorrow inside.

Now it’s time to go


If you can’t save me,

Then set me free




This surrender –

One of wrong ways,

In the desert

I can find this place


Where the answers

So clear I see,

I know one day

You’ll be here with me


This empty lonely road,

I walk to my purpose.

The shine of your holy soul

I will keep


More roads in different times,

But it’s all the same way.

More visions of skies, like

I see your face.

Traveling to immortal life

I can hear you calling me.

I believe that is truth, what I’ve seen

In my dream.




Вранці відкривши очі

Бачу новий фільм –

Ще одна серія з «Ілюзіі життя»

Знову повірити штовхає у вічний біль


«Скорися нам,

Не вір думкам!»


Я не чую твій шепіт,

Не бачу твоїх справ

Сум і відчай у серці

Я довго тримав


Я не чую твій шепіт,

Не бачу твоїх справ

Я не хочу це нести

Я все вже віддав


Забутися враз,

Відчути знов все –

Живе але пусте

Чи знову торкнутися зачинених дверей?

Я відчуваю, знаю вихід звідси є


Туди де час

Не знайде нас


Я не чую твій шепіт,

Не бачу твоїх справ

Сум і відчай у серці

Я довго тримав


Я не чую твій шепіт,

Не бачу твоїх справ

Я не хочу це нести

Я все вже віддав


Все, що відбувається навколо – це гра!

Розум не звільняється, лише сльози в очах

Десь він є, той справжній світ

До нього я прийду


Відкину біль,

Розіб’ю сум!

© 2014 by SUNRISE

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